
“Remains of the Fray” Artforum (February 2019)
“VITAL GORGON Celeste Olalquiaga on Medusa" Artforum (October 2018)
“El Helicoide: Modern Ruins and the Urban Imaginary” in Materializing Memory in Art and Popular Culture. Eds. László Munteán, Liedeke Plate and Anneke Smelik (London: Routledge, 2017)
“Méduse, meduses” in Mark Dion, Extra Naturel (catalogue for the exhibition presented at Beaux Arts, Paris, 2016)
“Mira pero no toques: El rol de la tactilidad en la era visual.” Revista de Occidente #373 (2012)
“Dead Stock: The Researcher as Collector of Failed Goods.”
What is Research in the Visual Arts? Obsession, Archive, Encounter. Eds. Michael Ann Holly and Marquard Smith. (Williamstown and New Haven: Clark Art Institute/Yale University Press, 2008)
“Third Nature, or the End of Origins.” West Coast Line 50, vol. 40 #2 (2007)
“Look but don’t Touch: The Role of Tactility in an Era of Visual Excess,” catalogue for the exhibition Trevor Gould: Posing for the Public, The World as Exhibition. (Hamilton and Montreal: Art Gallery of Hamilton/Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, 2002)
“Vigencia y caducidad del libro, reflexiones de una lectora errática.” Revista Iberoamericana vol. 67, no. 197(October- December 2001)
Contributions to Cabinet magazine (2005-2014) http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/contributors/olalquiaga_celeste.php